What’s the scoop on meditation and mindfulness anyway and how is it related to leadership?

If asked to summarise the essence of leadership development, my approach is to support leaders as they gain self-awareness and practice communicating for collaboration and impact as they embark on transformation to lead themselves, their teams and their organisations. At the base of it I believe that in order to transform our life experience, be it at work or personally,  we need to shift our internal operating system to allow us to act from Courage, Purpose and Values rather than from Fear.

Speaking of Fear, the amygdala is a key component of the brain’s stress response system and is responsible for our fight, flight or freeze response. When activated, it can cause us to react impulsively, rather than respond mindfully, to stressful or challenging situations. This can be particularly detrimental in the workplace, where leaders need to be able to respond with calmness and clarity of mind.

Research has shown that mindfulness practices, such as meditation, can have a positive impact on the amygdala and reduce its activation. This leads to improved emotional regulation and reduced stress levels, enabling individuals to respond to challenging situations with greater calmness and clarity of mind. Furthermore, the theta state, which is associated with deep relaxation, creativity, and manifestation, can be accessed through mindfulness practices, allowing individuals to tap into their full potential and achieve their desired outcomes.

By incorporating mindfulness practices into their daily routine, leaders can reduce their reactive tendencies, enhance their emotional regulation, and improve their ability to attract desirable circumstances. The Dynamic Mind Practice (DMP), as taught by Malti Bhojwani, is a mindfulness-based approach that emphasizes the power of positive affirmations, visualization, and self-reflection to improve well-being and enhance personal and professional success. By reducing stress, improving emotional regulation, and tapping into the power of the theta state, the DMP can help leaders to develop greater resilience, creativity, and leadership skills.

Reach out to learn more.


#Mindfulness #Meditation #Leadership #EmotionalRegulation #StressReduction #ThetaWaves #DynamicMindPractice #PositiveAffirmations #Visualization #SelfReflection #Resilience #Creativity #LeadershipDevelopment

Image courtesy of Adreinne Taren

Author: Malti Bhojwani

Author Coach Facilitator

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