EIther you like something or you don’t – no wishy washiness.
Yes or No.
Black or White
Like or Don’t like
Amazing or Crap
Get it?
You can either be in a space of complete and implicit Trust or Doubt.
When there is an iota of doubt, there is NO TRUST.
Faith is the hostess who does not entertain doubt.
When you believe 100%, there can be magic, put a drop of doubt in and you take away all magic.
You can either come from LOVE or FEAR, there is no middle ground
Either you Do something or you don’t do something, there is no TRY.
Try standing up now, if youw ere sitting, right now as you read this, so are you still sitting or are you standing? There is no try, either you stood up or you are sitting.
You either respect someone or you totally invalidate them, there is no halfway again.
You can be telling the truth, or you are lying, again there is no half way.
You can take things lightly or really heavy – nothing really matters or everything matters.
You can complain or you can be grateful!
Either you appreciate the people and situation around you, even the weather, or you are ungrateful for it.
You can look at every situation as a punishment from God or a reward.
You can look at it as a problem or a beautiful opportunity to create more change!
It is up to you! You DECIDE! You Choose.
Get off the fence, choose one way or another. Even if it is the figurative picket fence you are seated on. 😛
Have fun with it. Please share your experiences!