TAG: What people are saying about Thankfulness Appreciation Gratitude – My Journal

They say, God is in the details. But its for us to recognize, enjoy and be grateful for these smaller (and quite often substantial) details that make our lives so wonderful. Malti’s journal helped me see and appreciate the multiple joys that come my way everyday, ensuring that even when I’m down, there is always something  that makes me happy and excited for the next day.



The more I write how grateful I am for my wonderful family, the more reasons I have to be grateful 🙂



Writing in the gratitude journal raises my vibration. It keeps me in a space of abundance and thinking of expansion. Its makes me realize how fortunate I am for all that I have in my life.



Never realised that appreciating even the simplest things in life can bring so much joy, till I wrote them down daily in appreciation!



Writing in d gratitude journal is empowering coz when i focus on d abundance of good things in my life it grows. And of course there’s a huge shift in perspective and how we see our life.



have been practicing journal of gratitude for almost 45 days and I have started appreciating lots of stuff in my life on regular basis which used to go unnoticed. I feel thankful to every good thing that happens to me which might be very small in nature. I feel I have started receiving more abundance. Sleeping after writing in the journal makes me have a sound and positive sleep. Before writing the journal,I was almost hitting the phase of depression, but when I started appreciating and thanking for things in my life, situations did change, I started enjoying things around and helping myself big time to live high and happy..I am a much more evolved, content, composed and happy guy. So yes this journal has definitely been one of things that was a major help in getting my life in control and moving towards enjoying in abundance. I also practiced writing in the journal early in the morning and it was phenomenal and brings in a separate energy all together to perform effectively during the day..



Being Grateful makes me realize the Value of the  little things in life without taking anything for granted. It converts the smallest of things into huge joys of contentment and satisfaction. After all this is so true – “Oh contentment make me rich, for without thee there is no Wealth” ! Being Grateful, fills me up with more positives, so  problems seem minuscule.



Every quote I read in the gratitude journal connects me to my inner being.

I read, reflect, ruminate & revel in the words

As I write I feel more connected to my thoughts & feelings for each written word. I feel vast & boundless:)


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Author: Malti Bhojwani

Author Coach Facilitator

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